Monday, September 1, 2008

It's A Girl!

The Gutsy Dad and I are very excited to announce that we finally found out what we are having. Another girl to add to our already very girly household (and neighborhood)!

And there will be sisters in our household! I don't really know anything about having a sister, but Jillson is going to find out in about four months.

This is gonna be fun.


Mom on the Move! said...

YEAH!!! Good for ya'll! Now you can start stocking up on matching clothes for pictures, etc. How fun.

Rachel said...

Yeah! Congratulations! I'm a little jealous because I always wanted a sister ;)

Fizi said...

Poor you - no excuse to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe! Seriously, wonderful, she will fit in well with all those Gutsy Mum/Adventurous Girls holidays! Ready made friends.