And then they left! All in one day. It was incredible and stressful and bizarre. Amazing to see your whole material life packed and wrapped and crated and gone.
It took half the neighborhood to watch the kids and keep an eye on the many movers to make sure they didn't get too creative with their packing. (I tell you Vicki D is the woman you want on your side--she watches movers like a hawk!)
Ten doener and pommes later, I was standing in my empty, filthy house surrounded by an exhausted family.
Today we cleaned, and then I was standing in my empty, clean house surrounded by an exhausted family.
This last week here in Germany is proceeding in an amazing manner. I can't bear to tell you about it all right now, but I am taking pictures and making memories and crying left and right. I really can't bear to be in my empty house because it is like a giant ghost. Today I cried uncontrollably for three or four minutes with my head and half my torso deep in the belly of a kitchen cabinet I was cleaning. I just couldn't stop thinking about the hours I spent in that kitchen in the company of incredible friends. Sometimes we solved the problems of the world sitting around the kitchen table, sometimes we just solved the problems of the moment.
More soon, friends, more soon. We four are now sharing a hotel room, and tomorrow we retrieve the dogs from the kennel and it will be "we six" sharing a hotel room for two more nights.
You are ausgeseichnet! (OK, I couldn't check that spelling.) ALL of you over there. I'm not sure I have assimilated the fact that we will not be with you all again in the same place at the same time. But incredible memories fill my heart and I am utterly grateful to have been a tiny part of what you all have known and done. I subscribe to the Heron Island in 2010 plan because I simply can't say good-bye to such wonderful people. Thank you for all that you have done and been. Bis bald!
2010 it is as none of us can think of anything other than being together again! We love you too 'Mom' and rejoice in the friendship you have brought our way:)
I am crying for you too. I, too, am sad that we will never sit around your kitchen table, drinking coffee, trying to actually finish a conversation or even just a sentence. It seems that so many things went unsaid.
Thank you for your wonderful community and company. It was a truly special place with truly special people.
You don't need to know what is in the boxes...when you get to KS just pretend it is Christmas (but you get used stuff). Seriously, your post reminds me how moving is the people you leave behind. Hang in there Margaret!
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