Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Long Break Up

Okay, people, I am freaking out here. I hate moving more than any other activity on the planet, and I've got a big one coming up. I am in some serious denial about this. But, no matter what I do, a week from today, they will come and start taking our stuff away. A week from tomorrow we will move into a hotel for our final week here. I hate this. Did I mention I hate this? I have to live for a week in a hotel in a different town, no where near my dear friends, and I am dreading it. Why? Because, as you have certainly guessed by now, I am a sentimental freak. If we're still here in Germany, I want to be in my house with everything as it should be, with all my neighbors and friends and routines in place. Then, someone else would pack our bags. We'd just drive off to the airport, and we wouldn't have to witness or be a part of the gradual trickling away of what was our happy little world here.

As I type this, a friend down the street is moving her stuff out. I've had to drive by the moving truck twice and each time I start crying.

I had no idea it would be like this when I married my husband. I wanted nothing to do with the women who had married guys who do the same thing my husband does. Little did I know.

Now I feel as though I am going through a perpetual break-up with these incredible women (and also with Germany itself). Each time a friend moves out it wrenches my heart in two. And there's no end in sight, not until we ourselves bite the bullet and tschuss on out of here.

Ugh. Sorry for the depressing post. I actually logged on to share with you some photographs of the cute gifts I made for Jillsie's kindergarten teachers. I also want to share with you the amazing photography of my friend Kris. But these things will have to wait until a cheerier post. And I need to go hop in the shower and get ready to be seen in public.

Feeling like a total sop,
The Gutsy Mom


Rachel said...

I often wonder how I, Miss Hates Change, got involved in this racket. Never ever would I have chosen it yet it's given my life such a unique dimension and depth. Still, I hate moving. I'm still traumatized from my move from 73 K-Ring. When I look back on my time in our other house in Germany, I'm blown away by the love and continued support I have recieved from people who knew me less than a year. When I read on FB that they're having Bunco, or it's snowing, or the leaves are changing, I am instantly transported back to the most precious of memories and I often sit and just savor them. I don't even want to move from here--where I have exactly zero friends, only a handful of good memories, and a bushel load of sad ones.

Alas, we'll also be packing soon and today I am going to go through the house marking items for shipment and storage. Oh, and next summer we'll both be doing it all over again...

Hang in there! It'll be okay (I know you know that, though). I can't wait to see you in KS!

Mom on the Move! said...

Nothing is harder than moving other than MAYBE the waiting to see WHERE you are moving so you can start the mental piece of preparing for hating the move. Sucks! Great thing though - you will probably see people you know at the next stop and then again later!