Thursday, March 15, 2007

Make a New Plan, Stan!

Well, my deadline is here. My husband has left for a 30-day business trip, and in order not to get completely derailed taking care of the baby and the dogs by myself, I am going to launch my new plan.

What is that plan? In the running department, I am going to follow Hal Higdon's 5-K training program for novices. It should be easy to adapt: 3 days of running a week, starting off with 1.5 miles per run, which I already exceed. More on this another day.

I'm afraid that the time has also come for some attention to my nutrition. After two months of working out 3 to 6 times a week, that number on the scale has budged nary half a pound. And so, the Gutsy Mom sucks in her gut and sucks it up and re-enrolls in Weight Watchers online. I'm headed to the store in the morning to stock up on points-friendly foods. This makes me terribly sad, as I love food so. But I know it is the only way I can get ME back. Tis time. My daughter is 8 months old. In 4 months, I will have to refer to my excess as simply fat, not baby fat. I don't want to have to do that.

So here we go. Here I go. I'm going.

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