Imagine my surprise and delight when Jillson was served her first gratis "kiddie-chino" over here at the local Bruenner Baeckerei. Of course it is just steamed milk, but Jillsie squealed "MY VERY OWN COFFEE!" when it was delivered to her. She reminded me and the Gutsy Dad that is was "meins" on several occasions and said to me in a very conciliatory voice: "This is not for YOU, Mommy." She then ate all the strawberries off the top of her quark schiffchen and looked supremely satisfied. I have no explanation for the napkin on Jillsie's head other than this: she's two and a half. In case you're wondering, Maddie slept through the whole super-fun outing.
The Gutsy Dad would like me to tell you that these photographs were taken on his new BlackBerry. Yes, after nearly 20 years, his employer finally has issued him a cool electronic device. And, as I'm sure you can imagine, in our household at least, this means that the Gutsy Dad has finally arrived.
That is very cool!!! Maybe B will need to have one before we leave. I am sure she would LOVE it. When she plays kitchen she is almost always serving someone coffee.
That is so suss! Jillson looks justly proud of herself. Our local Starbucks used to serve Babycinos - also just steamed milk but so much steam and froth that there was almost no milk for Angus to drink! And congrats to the Gutsy Dad for being supercool with his piece of fruit.
Very continential Jillison!
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