Unfortunately, I also had my first spell of baby blues. I've been waiting for it. And, well, for those of you who also may have been wondering when the other shoe would drop, the answer is: yesterday. It didn't last long and wasn't too deep, but I just felt so sad and hopeless and unmotivated. Thankfully, the Gutsy Dad was right here, and, after nearly ten years of putting up with me, he knows how to lift my spirits. I'm feeling much better now, thank goodness.

In Gutsy Girls news: Jillson had her first haircut ever this week. (You may recall I cut her bangs last spring, but quickly gave up when I realized I have no talent for bang cutting and I didn't want to have to do bang upkeep forever.) This time the haircut was a family affair: I cut while Papa provided much needed distraction and the occasional chin hold to keep the head steady. Maddie did her part by hanging out in the bouncy seat, quietly gaining weight. She is now 11 and a half pounds!
How much cuteness can one couch take? Check out this multiple-girl pile-up! Left to right, Marion, Jillson, Kerala, and Denali with Madelyn on her lap.

Lastly, here's the start of a project I've been talking about for ever and ever. I finally got started on it. It's my very own family cookbook! The pics make it look huge, but the pages are only 6x6 inches. I created a template in Word, so I can type up all my favorite recipes and collect them in one place. This also makes it very easy to duplicate for people (Trin? Heather? Mom?) who want one of their own. In order for a recipe to get "in," it must be something we make on a regular basis; no random recipes torn out of mags or printed off the internet that languish in binders unmade... This is the food we REALLY EAT. (Thanks to Cathy Zielske for the inspiration, as always.)

You make the coolest things! EVER!!! And hang in there (I know, easier said than done some days), I think we might all be experiencing these blues with all the friends moving moving away (sigh). You just got some extra horomones making yours extra sensitive. I am so glad you have a great Gutsy Dad there and great Gutsy ARG friends!!!
I love the pictures of the girls. Really cute. The cookbook looks like a lovely idea. I am currently trying to pursuade Ken to buy me a scrapping course too for my looming birthday.... Here's hoping! Keep going, your girls are wonderful.
Wow. Beautiful Marg.
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