Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Answer, My Friends...

I cannot tell you how many answers and ideas I normally find on a run. Today, however, the answers were definitely blowing in the wind! Our way out to the turnaround point (I had the whole entourage with me) went just fine, but right after I turned around--smack! Turns out it was rather windy. It dawned on me then that the reason the first half of the run had felt so good was that the wind had been at my back. Humph. I knew it would be a bit of a battle on the way back.

You know you are really "sucking wind," as my husband would say, when you are huffing and puffing to push your baby jogger uphill, trying to keep forward on your toes and keep your pace up, when you look to your left, and there are your two dogs (tethered to you) just casually walking along, meandering really, because you are going so slowly that they do not need to run or even walk briskly to keep up. Sigh.

It turns out I made decent time, averaging about a 13-minute mile (and this still includes my 10-minute walking warm-up). For those keeping score, I am now up to run/walk reps of 3.5 & 1.

Here's one of my favorite pictures. Jillsie & Kiki share notes from their literary adventures.


Mom said...

That's one of my favorites, too. How can I get a copy of it?
Go, girl, you're on a roll, hitting the pavement with your entourage. N'oublie pas que je t'adore. Maman

The Gutsy Mom said...

I never forget! And I love you, too. Pictures are on their way to you.