Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Telling

On Saturday morning, the Gutsy Dad and I were snuggling in bed with the girls.  We decided the time was right to share some big news with them.  It went a little something like this:

Gutsy Dad: Well, girls, guess what?
Jillson: What?
GD, after a dramatic pause: There is a new baby growing inside Mommy!
J, immediately in squeal mode: A REAL BABY?!
Gutsy Mom: Yes, a real one.
J, turning to her sister and throwing her arms around her: Oh, Maddie!  Now you can be a big sister, too!
Maddie, leaning forward and patting my belly: Zit twins?
GM: No, there's only one.
J: Are you SURE?
GM: Yes, the doctor told Mommy there is only one baby in there.
J: Mommy!  So that's why your belly is so big!
GD stifles laughter; GM makes mental note for future sensitivity training.
GM: Yes, that's right.

My favorite part is that Jillson (after her brief fact-checking moment) thought immediately of her sister.  And I think Maddie's inquiry stems from the fact that, in anticipation of this conversation, "Big Sister Dora" has been in pretty heavy rotation around here.  (In that episode, Dora'a mami gives birth to twins.)

We've been wondering whether Madelyn, being only two, would really comprehend the news.  But she was thrilled to share the week's highlights with her buddies at church, saying "We gotta baby in Mommy's belly, and I gotta new sippy cup!"  (I think I should be pleased that the baby news took top billing on Sunday, because the new sippy cup has completely eclipsed the new baby in the last few days.)

So there you have it, folks.  One more Gutsy Kiddo is on the way... set to arrive in early September.

Glowing & exhausted,
The GM


Anonymous said...


Carolyn said...

Congratulations, Margaret! That's wonderful news! And I understand that a move is in the offing. How nice that you will have some "built-in" babysitters!! All very exciting!
Love to you all,

Heather said...

Hooray for another cousin!!

Jennifer said...

Weeee!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering and hoping when the new GutsyBaby would come ;) Ah! I sure hope this baby treats you a little better than baby's sisters have! Aw!!! Hugs and love my Auerbachian sister ;)

The Gutsy Mom said...

Thanks, everyone! We are excited!

Jennifer, this baby has been just as ridiculous in the nausea and vomiting department, but this time I have the benefit of Zofran, the wonder drug. :)

Mom on the Move! said...

I think that's the sweetest thing I've ever read - so happy for you all!

Rachel said...

Congratulations! I'm thrilled for you guys! And, by the way, I LOVED both Jillson's and Madi's responses :)

Rachel said...

BTW, I'm so glad Zofran worked for you. It really didn't do much for me but I faithfully took it anyway. Hope springs eternal!

Natalie Cannon said...

So excited for you guys to be outnumbered. :) Congrats.